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7 Reasons Why Redheads Need Redhead Best Friends Too

Happy National Best Friends Day!

By: Jennah Jane

Everyone needs a redhead BFF, even redheads!

I met my best friend, Tamara, through How to be a Redhead’s hashtag #RockitlikeaRedhead on Instagram. After connecting, we discovered we basically grew up minutes away from each other. We met in person (finally) for my birthday a year ago and she taught me how to use Snapchat filters.

With our busy lives, we’re able to stay connected via social media and talk all things red hair, even from miles away. It’s nice to know we’re always just a snap away!

BONUS: Add H2BAR on Snapchat

Jennah and Tamara snapping to each other on Snapchat

Here are 7 reasons why having a redhead BFF is the best thing in the world:

1. Hairstyle ideas are a big topic of conversation.

I want curls just like Tamara. We are always trying different braids and hair tips together.

2. She’s always there for the all-important reminder to slather up the sunscreen. 

And we got each other’s back when one of us have forgotten something like a sun hat, shades or SPF.

3. She always makes sure I received my awesome H2BAR Box. 

4.The times we finally get together, it’s all ginger talk, impromptu photo shoots and lots of selfies. 

Jennah and Tamara comparing shades of red. 

5. People always think we are sisters… or even twins! 

6. When we are together, we turn heads.

Everyone does a double turn reaction. 

7. We talk about our childhood and the challenges we faced with redhead stereotypes.

But, mostly we celebrate who we are. It’s a special club, and we wouldn’t change our hair color for the world! After all, it brought us together.

READ: 5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Redhead BFF 

Do you have a redhead BFF? Share with us below! 

